The Word of God expresses in 1 Peter 1:15-16, “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” Therefore, as Christians, Jesus calls us to be separate and holy like Him.
Does this mean perfection 24/7? Absolutely not! It means figuring out what pleases the Lord and doing that and finding what doesn’t please Him and avoiding those things.
Here’s an essential guide on how to become a better Christian.
Pray Without Ceasing
The Bible says in Isaiah 59:2, “But your iniquities have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that he will not hear.”
Because Adam and Eve chose to disobey God in the garden, sin entered into the world. Therefore, the first thing on our daily list of to-do’s as Christians is prayer-time to prepare for our day.
Use the acronym P.R.A.Y. to help you create a good prayer routine.
- Praise
- Repentance
- Asking
- Yielding
Always enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. He created us with our own will to decide to love Him and spend time in worship and praise towards Him. Praise and worship humble our flesh and strengthen our spirit.
Repentance is a choice to daily turn away from the things our flesh desires and committing out loud to the Lord to doing things His way. This step does not mean you will never mess up again. You are human and will eventually mess up.
Does this mean we should plan to do whatever we want to because His grace abounds? Paul said in Romans 6:2, “…God forbid.” Instead, our goal is to get as close to Jesus as we can daily and leave our sins behind.
Asking for forgiveness is a separate part of our prayers than repentance. In the tabernacle in the days of Moses, they would enter with thanksgiving, offer a sacrifice to the Lord (repentance), then wash their hands in the water. Forgiveness is Jesus washing away our sins!
Now that you are spiritually clean for this day, you are free to ask the Lord for help because, according to 1 Peter 5:7, He cares for you.
It is important to yield to His will during your requests. Jesus himself said, “Not my will but Thine be done.”
Also Read: How To Deal With Anger After Breakup – Easily N’ Effectively
Soak In His Word
In addition to a daily walk with Him, reading the Word of God is vital. It is how He communicates with us and edifies us. We must get to know Him more to become a better Christian, a faithful servant, and honor Christ.
His Word is alive and reveals what we should and shouldn’t be doing to please Him. The reality is, He is hoping for us to choose Him. All of His ways are protections from Satan and his manipulative ways aimed at causing hopelessness and brokenness.
Jesus is our refuge and strength through the storms of life. The Bible says that it rains on the just and the unjust. We will go through struggles and pain because sin abounds in this world.
This world, thankfully, is not our home. We are here for a short time. Our daily goals should be to get as close to Him as we can so that we can be light with our Christian faith to those in darkness.
If you struggle with choosing a holy lifestyle, try getting in touch with some Christian Life Coaching from your pastor, ministry team, or a trusted God-fearing friend. We have also put together a guide to help you with a daily routine to bring you closer to Christ.
Also Read: Staying Healthy Through A Difficult Breakup
That’s How To Become a Better Christian
The basics of how to become a better Christian are as simple as praying and reading His Word daily. Those who pray, stay, and love Him will keep His commandments.
For more tips on developing a closer walk with Jesus and strengthening your Christian faith, come back and visit our blog! We are constantly updating our content for your encouragement and growth with the Lord!